How Powerful Are We Really?

Do you think your mindset, how you “see” and perceive things around you, is capable of creating tangible effects in your life? Is it possible to manifest your destiny? I am talking about changes that can be positive and negative simply influenced by your thoughts and what you believe and have experienced in the past.

If this is true, we have a lot of things we need to take ownership of and gain a better understanding of, if we want to change the trajectory of our lives. I’m not simply talking about decisions you make, I am referring to deep seated fears that have affected our situations. Was my breast cancer due to vanity? Was it because I thought, my physical appearance, was all I had to offer? I know this sounds crazy; but, is it possible? Did I manifest the cancer as a way to learn what was going on deep inside of me? Was this a lesson to teach me that I was focused on one thing at the expense of my mental, spiritual and social health?

Starting to think there is a correlation to our inner most thoughts and fears and the direction our lives take. The belief that we are directly responsible for the positive and the negative simply because of what are minds think and believe; whether true or not. If true, the power we hold inside of us is pretty impressive. It would mean that we are connected to a greater source; a part of the universe as a whole.

If you believe that anything is possible, than why not focus on the positive? Flood our minds and hearts with gratitude and accept everything that comes our way as a gift, a teaching moment. Why not? Could it be that simple? Let’s think about that a while and come back to it later.


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