Part of the Problem

My morning started as it always does; feed the dog, have a cup of coffee, yoga, meditate, pray and get going. It takes a while, but the routine is helpful to me in so many ways. I was looking through You Tube’s home page and saw a live forum for the 13 gold star families that lost their children in the Afghanistan withdrawal. One of those children came from my current town. It was gut wrenching. It was infuriating and no one seems to care. They blame Trump (as always), even though his exit plan was going as planned. Biden wanted a headline so he changed the date to September 11 and did every single thing wrong in removing our troops and our allies. It was a disgrace.

Now, I don’t want to dwell on that because it is such a stain on our country, I can’t imagine anyone supporting Biden’s unorganized, chaotic exit. What really irked me, is that I checked the three news channels this morning (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) and found that CNN and MSNBC were running stories on Trump. Fox was discussing the speeches of the gold star families. Trump is all these channels CAN talk about. The biggest story of corruption in our White House and not one word. Instead they make excuses for the President, they talk about his son as if he is 15 years old, not a 50+ year old man. It’s pretty shameful.

My question to all of you is, are you part of the problem? Do you not care enough to ask questions? Why are journalists so invested in Trump and ignoring an actual scandal that IS “worse than Watergate”. It is an absolute joke. Now, I have no interest in litigating everything here; however, if you don’t see what this family has done and is doing to our country, than you are just as culpable as the Bidens, his administration and the media. If we don’t get this man out of office, our country will not be able to recover. Our sovereignty is already damaged and it will take years to try and repair what has been done by opening up our borders as they did.

The losses to China are too enumerable to think about; however, those of you who are accepting the pablum your being fed need to start paying attention. The Green deal and the incredible push to make these changes before we could possibly be ready, are making some people very wealthy and China is one of them. However, China is just one country that will hold the strings to our energy and that is dangerous. I am surprised how so many people prefer to blindly believe what they are hearing because they believe it is good for the environment. Where is the common sense? Research where the minerals come from, research on the life cycle, how to recycle, the damage that recycling does to the environment. Look it up. I am all for saving the planet and doing whatever we can to get there; however, you can not rush the process. Fossil fuels can not be stopped within the next couple of years. It will take longer than that. Political parties want an environmental “win” by pushing it faster than our world can handle and that is really dangerous.

I stopped watching the news for this very reason. No one, not one news station, site, etc. just give the unbiased news; not even my local channels. It is sad. So, I do try to read what I can and told to my friends, neighbors about their thoughts on different issues and try to remain open minded. I hope and pray that people wake up and stop being so one sided. I don’t want either of these old men as my President. This country needs new, fresh representation. We should ALL be on the same page there; this country has gone off the tracks and that includes both parties. Granted I lean more conservative, but I listen to other candidates and remain hopeful that others will too.

The only way all of this is going to get fixed, is if we get off the crazy train. Talk to family, friends and coworkers about the issues and don’t approach any conversation from a party perspective. The left has gone too far left and the right has as well. We all need to wake up, ask questions and not be part of the problem. Let’s get back to reality, morality and concern for one another.

Have a great day.


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